How Do I Change A Check In Charge?

  1. Select Billing>View All Check Ins from the menu
  2. You can narrow the results of the grid using the controls at the top of this page. Adjust the controls until you can see the check in record you want to edit in the grid. Select the corresponding button from the Edit column to alter that check in record
  3. This next page will allow you to edit every part of the check in you selected. To change the amount that was charged, locate the CHARGE box at the bottom of the page and type the new amount into the Attendance field.
  4. When you are finished, click the Check Out button to save your changes
If you simply want to remove a check in record completely, click the corresponding Delete button that you will see in step #2. This will remove the check in and any associated charges.
If you need to adjust all of a families check in records at once, this can be done automatically. Look for How Do I Recalculate Family Billing? in the user guide for detailed instructions.