How Do I Use The Absentee System?

The absentee system gives you the ability to record absence, credit families, and/or remove items. Because this system affects the amount due of family orders, it is best to make sure that the order form you are dealing with has closed.
  1. To begin, select System Tools>Absentee System>Setup Absentee System from the menu
  2. This page lets you determine what happens when an absence is recorded for each price level in your system. If you don't use price levels, you only need to worry about the top row.
    • Mark Absent determines whether or not the absence is recorded. Since the absence report is only visible to administrators, it is recommended that you leave this box checked
    • Credit Family Account will issue a credit to every absent family for the items they ordered on the day they were absent. The credit will cover the total of all the items they ordered for that day for each student with orders (i.e. if they ordered for 2 students who were both absent, they will receive 2 distinct transactions). If you do not refund items in the case of absence, leave this box unchecked.
    • Remove Lunch Items will remove the items that were ordered on the day that you record absences. This is to help you keep your reports accurate. When items are removed in this way, the family order total will not be update.
  3. After you have selected your preferred options, click the Save Setup button at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the page where you can begin recording absences. This page can also be found by selecting System Tools>Absentee System>Record Absentees in the menu.
  4. Select the form and date you want to record absences for using the controls at the top of the page
  5. Selecting the form and date will being up a list of all students who placed orders for the date and form you selected. Select the students you're looking for using the check box in the right side of the grid.
  6. When you have finished making your selections, click the Record Absentee button at the top of the page. This will record, credit, or remove based on the options you selected in step 2.
If you want to view any of your absences, select System Tools>Absentee System>Absentee Report in the menu.