How Do I Remove Food Items From Lunch Names?

  1. Select Menu Building>Lunch Names from the menu
  2. Find the lunch name you want to remove items from and select the corresponding button from the Edit Vendors/Items column
  3. Find the item you want to remove and click the checkbox in the yellow column to deselect the item
  4. Click the Save Items button at the top of the page to save your changes
  5. If you are now redirected back to the list of all your lunch names, then your change has been made, and you're finished. If not, continue reading below for additional information.

If you are not taken back to the master lunch name list after making your changes, it is because the lunch name you are changing is already being used. The page that you are looking at will show you all the forms that use the lunch name you have just changed. There are two possible scenarios here:

  • The form that uses this lunch name has family orders. These forms will be locked, and your changes will not be made to these forms.
  • The form that uses this lunch name does not have any orders yet. You will be able to choose whether you would like your changes pushed to these forms or not.

Make any selections that are available, and click the Continue button when you are finished. You will then be redirected to the lunch name master list. You should see your changes reflected in the Items column.

If you need to remove items from a form that is locked, you will need to contact Orgs Online to discuss your options.