How Do I View Family Orders?

You can view and make changes to an individual family order using the following steps:

  1. Select Family Orders>Place/Edit Orders from the menu
  2. Select the Form, Family, and Student you want to view/edit using the corresponding boxes
  3. When you have made your selections, click the Place Order button
  4. The form that loads is the exact form that the family sees when ordering is available. Any changes that you make here will add or remove food items from the family order and may adjust the family balance. If the form does not have any quantities, then the family did not order items for the form you selected.
  5. If you are making changes to the order, click the Save Form button at the bottom of the page after making your changes. If you were only viewing the form, you can click the back button in your browser to view another form.

If you want to view more than one order at a time, select Reports from the main menu. There are many different reports that can use a wide range of criteria. If you are having trouble finding a report that suits your needs, contact Orgs Online directly. We may be able to help you find a report that contains what you want, and if not, we can create that report just for you.