How Do I Assign Teachers To User Accounts?

You can assign teachers to specific user accounts to allow your teachers to run their own reports and even place orders for their students. To begin, open the menu and select Teachers. If you do not see a menu link called Teacher User Assign in your menu, then you need to stop and contact Orgs Online to have this feature enabled. Once the feature has been enabled, continue to the steps below.
  1. Select Teachers>Teacher User Assign>Assign Teacher To User from the menu
  2. This page lists all the teachers currently in your system. Select the corresponding button from the Edit column to choose a user for each of your teachers.
  3. Any teachers you assign will now be able to login and view reports by going to the URL listed above the grid
If you would also like to allow your teachers to place orders for any students in their class, follow the additional steps below.
  1. Select Teachers>Teacher User Assign>Setup from the menu
  2. Set the Allow Same Day Ordering option to Yes
  3. Set the time you want to stop accepting orders in the Cut Off Time field